Teacher Guide
$20.00 USD
$ 25.00 USD
Who is God & Why Should I Care?
An In-depth Study of Psalms – Volume 2

Volume 2 continues the Psalms study from chapters 73 through 150. The Psalms were the worship songs of the ancient Jews, and in these songs many aspects of the character of God are revealed.

Study begins September 14, 2020
Mondays 10am – 12:30 and 6:30pm – 9:00
$50 for materials
Riverside Community Church, Randall & Crane, St. Charles, IL
In-person or online participation available.

God wants us to know who He is and what He does. He wants us to know that He loves, protects, and guides us. He wants us to know how to have a relationship with Him. Having a biblical knowledge of God is crucial and affects every facet of our lives. Through studying the Psalms we learn who God is and why we should care.

Workbook Sample Pages
  • 27 lessons
  • Volume 2 contains verse by verse study of Psalm chapters 73-150
  • 5 different levels of homework suggested for individual learning styles
  • Digging Deeper sections
  • Discussion questions for small groups
  • Teacher Guide available for purchase

For rates to ship 10+ books, or for international shipping, please contact Barb Wilson via email.

How long does it take to complete the Wife of Noble Character workbook?
The recommended time frame is a school year, or September through early May, since it takes about 25 weeks to teach/study the 15 chapters. This time also allows for weeks off for holidays. Most chapters need two weeks to complete.
Should single women take this study?
Most of the married women who take WONC express that they should have taken it before they got married, and they would have avoided many of the pitfalls and wrong thinking/behavior that ensued. Therefore, the single women taking the study are the wise ones. Also, the study is really a discipleship manual and involves learning about the whole Christian walk, not just the marriage relationship, though the focus is on marriage.
Is the study appropriate for new or non-believers?
Absolutely! I wrote the workbook for my neighborhood Bible study, and some of the women  had to go out and buy a Bible for the first time. They loved the study and learned much. There are also always many women taking the class who have been in studies all their lives, and they grow and learn much also.
Is WONC just for women in marriage crisis?
Definitely not! It actually is for any woman, regardless of her marital state. The in-depth study and application of God’s Word will help in every area of life, as well as equip her to confidently and biblically help others.
Can you do the study on your own?
While you certainly can do the study on your own, it is beneficial to do it with at least one other person so you can have the discussion and accountability. If you are doing it on your own, you will need the answers for the Class Notes and the Love is… linked by the RESOURCES button. This study works best when used with the free video lessons which are linked by the FREE VIDEO LESSONS button.
Why do you say this study is a two year workbook?
Many women take the Wife of Noble Character study a second year in order to absorb and apply the truths more thoroughly. Therefore, they have all new homework that second year by completing the “Advanced” sections of the workbook. The teaching and discussion may be the same as the first year, but there are additional Bible passages to study specifically for that second time through.
What structure do you recommend for the weekly meetings?
I believe it is important to have an hour of instruction/teaching/discussion over the workbook homework, followed by 45 minutes of small group discussion/application/accountability over the exercises. Small group leaders need to realize this time is not for them to teach another lesson, but to draw out of the women what God is doing in their lives and hold them accountable in doing the exercises, found at the end of each chapter.
Do you have any advice for Small Group Leaders?
Yes. Pray for wisdom and humility and compassion. Really get to know your women and touch base with them during the week. Ask God to give you love and understanding and discernment to  best minister to your group. Be sure you are in the Word, relying on the Lord, and growing yourself. You must lead by example, but not perfection. Be an encourager, but don’t be afraid to lovingly help the women in their progress by holding them accountable and confronting when necessary. Be in control of the small group time, which means controlling the Talkative Tina’s and drawing out the Shy Sheila’s. Use the WHY SMALL GROUPS button for more small group information.
Do you have any suggestions for the teachers?
Teachers need to be in continual prayer, for without the help of the Lord, we can do nothing. (John 15:5) Teachers need to be aware of their need of grace and dependence on God, while praying for humility, equipping, and compassion. Many women, when studying God’s commands and standards, feel overwhelmed and like failures, so the teacher needs to encourage them that growth is a process, that God is with them to help, encourage, love, and bless, and that none of us will be perfect until heaven. And a final word…be very excited about what God will do in the lives and homes of all involved in the study. Use the IMPACT LEADER TRAINING button for more teacher information.
Why is this study so powerful and life-changing?
First of all, the study consists of learning what God’s Word says, starting with the topics of obedience and wisdom. Secondly, the study is application driven, which means not only do you learn God’s ways and commands, but you are held accountable to actually do what God says. God blesses and transforms the person who has a teachable, humble heart and who desires to please Him. Thirdly, the study emphasizes finding your needs met in the Lord while learning to truly love others more and more, regardless of how those other people respond. Bottom line, the study is about the absolute TRUTH and authority of God’s Word, and that His purposes for us are perfect.